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CANNABOOST Accelerator boosts the metabolism of your plants. This is important, because the uptake of nutrients depends greatly on the plant's health and metabolism rate. CANNABOOST is specially developed for short cycle plant varieties.

The advantages of growing with CANNABOOST Accelerator include:

Better Yield

CANNABOOST stimulates the development of new flowers. Because of this the fruits can become heavier than normal. Since the ripening of the fruits also proceeds more gradually, it results in a more uniform harvest. Something very special about CANNABOOST is that it’s not just a guarantee for higher yields but the taste is also guaranteed to be better. Something extra for the CANNA grower!

Suitable for use with all growing mediums and substrates

CANNABOOST is a universal flowering stimulator, which is to say that it can be used with any growing system and in combination with any feeding with no exceptions. As well as adding CANNABOOST to the substrate it can also be used as a leaf spray (foliar feeding). The advantage of this is that the plant can absorb the flowering stimulator directly through its leaves.

CANNABOOST isn’t a nutrient, but an additive that increases the plant’s photosynthesis (one of the reactions that make up a plant's metabolism). This increase ensures that the fruits are formed faster.

Better ripening and strengthened immune system

CANNABOOST contains flowering stimulators that ensure powerful ripening. It also contains natural flowering regulators that help develop fruit more uniformly and finish flowering more strongly. Thanks to the improved energy regulation the plant also has sufficient energy to resist diseases. If there is no energy at the correct place diseases will often strike, just at the moment when it is disastrous for the harvest.

Fuller, more powerful taste

With CANNABOOST you are guaranteed both a higher yield and an exceptional taste. A good harvest isn’t just expressed in terms of weight these days. Quality is starting to play a more important role and this also means taste is becoming more important. Increasing the speed of photosynthesis greatly increases the sugar production in the fruits. This makes the taste sweeter and the natural flavours in the fruits will be produced in higher concentrations. The stronger smell of the essential oils in the fruits speaks volumes.

Most boosters are just additional nutrients. True boosters like CANNABOOST however really boost the metabolism of a plant and makes it healthier. CANNABOOST is 'the new boost generation'.

With this product we have again proved that Quality proves itself!

User Instructions

Shake bottle well before use


Dosage: Administer CANNABOOST using a dilution of 1:500 (20 ml per 10 litre of water) from the moment that flowers start to form. For extra flowering strength, dilute 1:250 (40 ml per 10 litre of water)


Do not use in combination with products containing hydrogen peroxide (H202)


Use diluted solution within 4 days


CANNABOOST can be given manually, through drip irrigation or by foliar feeding


Storage, health & safety and other directions

Use CANNABOOST in combination with your regular feed


Store closed in a dark and frost-proof place


Keep out of reach of children


Warranty / Guarantee

The bottle is made of polyethylene (PVC and cadmium free), a recyclable plastic.



*Label may not be english*


Canna CoCo Nutrients

 CANNA Coco A & B is a complete professional nutrient for growing plants in coco.


It contains all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering.


Thanks to the special characteristics of coco substrate CANNA COCO doesn’t have a Vega and Flores variant, but there is one unique formulation for both the growth and blooming phase. We can’t make things easier! CANNA COCO is easy to use, dissolves directly and is extremely suitable for growing in all watering systems, like for example 'run-to-waste' systems, flood systems and ebb and flow systems.


Rich in high-value elements


After years of research into potting mixes, drainage and leaf analysis, CANNA has succeeded in being the first to develop a fertiliser that is specifically tailored to the characteristics of cocos substrates. CANNA COCO is composed of high value minerals. CANNA COCO contains natural chelates, humic and fulvic acids which give the plant optimum nutrient absorption. Growers throughout the world have been enthusiastic for years about the explosive growth and profuse flowering with CANNA COCO.


Why A&B nutrients?


CANNA COCO nutrients consist of two parts, an A part and a B part. We separate these parts for a reason. As it happens, if some of the elements in part A and B are thrown together at the same time, they clog together. The plant cannot absorb this. That's why you should first add the A component and then the B component!


User Instructions


Shake bottle well before use

Fill nutrient reservoir with water

Add CANNA COCO A & B to the nutrient reservoir with the dilution ratio 1:250 (40 ml A and 40 ml B per 10 litre of water). 

Add CANNA COCO A to the nutrient reservoir Stir well, then add CANNA Coco B Again, stir well and let mixture stand for some hours

The EC of Coco dissolved in (tap) water varies between 1.2 - 2.3 mS/cm2 (= the solution EC + the water EC)

Recommended pH: 5.5 - 6.2

Storage, health & safety and other directions

CANNA COCO nutrients can be used for the vegetative and generative phase contrary to other (CANNA) nutrients

Do not mix A & B concentrate directly; Insoluble combinations will occur which the plant cannot absorb

Store closed in a dark and frost-proof place (UV light breaks down iron chelates in the nutrient)

Keep out of reach of children

Warranty / Guarantee

CANNA only works with high-graded nutrients and chelates, which are immediately and completely available for the plant. The bottle is made of polyethylene (PVC and cadmium free), an easily biodegradable and recyclable plastic.


*Label may not be english*


Canna Vega or Flores Soil Growing Nutrients
Advantages of Terra Vega
Terra Vega ensures a strong plant with large vital shoots and luxuriant root development. This is important for healthy, powerful growth and a high yield
Easy to use and dissolves directly
Terra Vega guarantees complete absorption of water and feeding from the start of cultivation. This is because Terra Vega is rich in nitrogen compounds that can be absorbed directly, high value iron chelates and trace elements
Terra Vega is suitable for use with different type of potting mixes such as pre-fertilised potting mixes or potting mix that is nutrient deficient or has been used previously
Advantages of CANNA Terra Flores
Terra Flores is easy to use and dissolves directly
Terra Flores prevents the binding of nutritional ions. The availability and composition of nutrients play a crucial role during the plant’s flowering phase
Terra Flores is excellent in stimulating the fruit formation and contains all the nutrients that the flowers need during the flowering phase
Terra Flores is also rich in chelated trace elements that are present in a form that can be absorbed immediately, which guarantees lavish flowering
User Instructions
Shake bottle well before use
Dissolve 50 ml concentrate per 10 litre of water (1:200)
The EC of Terra Vega dissolved in (tap) water varies between 0.9 - 1.6 mS/cm2 (= the solution EC + the water EC)
Recommended pH: 5.8 - 6.2
*Label may not be english*

Advanced Nutrients Carbo Load Growth Additive Boost Nutrient Hydroponics

Here’s Why Your Plants Stall Out During Their Bloom Phase

Every cellular process in your plants requires energy. And plants rely on carbohydrates, just like humans, to produce this energy.

However, your plants have a lot of work to do to take them all the way from tiny little seeds to grow and bloom into big, juicy, lush buds filling out a huge harvest like you want them to.

After their growth phase they’ve used up a lot of energy already. Then about half-way into their bloom cycle, many growers see their plants hit a wall. In reality, their plants are what scientists call “carb depleted”, because they’ve already burnt up all the carbohydrates they’ve been fed and have none left for energy to fuel further growth.

That’s why your plants seem to “stall out” right in the middle of your bloom phase.

Whatever You Do, Don’t Add More Nutrients Or Fertilizers!

Many growers are perplexed when this happens and they don’t know what to do.

So they try the first thing that seems logical, they pour in more nutrients and more fertilizers in an attempt to feed their plants the stuff they think they need to keep blooming.

But the problem is your plants don’t get the necessary carbohydrate “refuel” they need when you dump more and more nutrients on them.

In fact, it only makes the problem worse because the more nutrients you feed them, the more energy they need to process and use the nutrients, so they become even more carb depleted.

When this happens, you’ll see your plant’s leaves become brown and curl up. This is what is known as “burning” your plants because you’re using too much of the wrong nutrients!

So please don’t do that. Here’s the scientifically proven solution you need instead…


Your Plants Need To Load Up On Carbs…

Yes. Just like many athletes “carb load” before a big competition, eating extra carbohydrates so they have more energy on game day, your plants also need to load up on carbs before they can perform at their best and bloom into the huge, luscious plants you want them to become.

That’s why the team of researchers and scientists at Advanced Nutrients created CarboLoad.

It was designed to give your plants the exact organic carbohydrates they need… at exactly the right time… to fill them up with the energy they need to keep growing bigger, fuller, heavier and more delicious buds.

Don’t Fall For Other Imitation Carbohydrate Formulas…

You should know that you can’t just feed your plants inferior carbohydrates and expect them to bloom to their maximum potential and give you the most rewarding finish possible.

Just like an athlete can’t eat candy bars and other simple sugars and expect to be properly fueled, your plants need the right carbs that will give them a quick burst of energy and lasting fuel to sustain continued growth.

That’s why CarboLoad contains the perfect mix of simple and complex carbohydrates so your plants get exactly what they need.

Canna Rhizotonic Plants Nutrients

CANNA RHIZOTONIC is a powerful, algae based, vegetative stimulator for plant roots. It contains multiple vitamins and is 100% natural. RHIZOTONIC adds more than 60 microbiological substances that considerably speed up the growth of a balanced root environment.


Stimulates new root growth on cuttings and transplants.

Besides stimulating root growth on plants that are already rooted, RHIZOTONIC also stimulates new root growth on cuttings and transplants. The various trace elements and vitamins such as B1&B2 stimulate the production of hormones and root growth, thus providing beautiful, strong white roots.

Speeds up the germination process when used to soak seeds prior to planting.

If you dilute RHIZOTONIC (40ml/10 litre), you can use it to soak seeds. RHIZOTONIC softens up the seed skin, making it easier for the seed to burst and germinate. 

Enhances overall plant growth and chemical reactions in the plant to ensure a healthier, powerful and stronger plant. 

Good results start with a healthy plant. Because RHIZOTONIC stimulates root growth, it improves the strength of a plant. This is especially important during the first weeks of a plant's life, since young plants are the most vulnerable. RHIZOTONIC stimulates further root development, increases the plant’s resistance to diseases and promotes its inner and outer strength. 

Aids in the recovery process of any plant or cutting that has been subjected to stress in any way whatsoever. 

Many growers agree that plants recover much quicker from stress situations if the leaves have been sprayed with RHIZOTONIC. Such stress situations could for example occur during transport and re-potting plants. RHIZOTONIC will also improve plants that are unhealthy or poorly developed. 

Furthermore, RHIZOTONIC is often sprayed on leaves and can be used as a simple means for raising the pH level in fertiliser tanks. 

RHIZOTONIC can be used regardless of the type of medium. It is suitable for cultivation in potting mix and hydro culture. You can use it during the whole growth cycle. From seed to harvest! 

User Instructions 

Shake bottle well before use 

Dissolve 40 ml concentrate per 10 litre of water (1:250) 

Spray the cultivation medium 1-6 times daily. Spray directly on the leaves until a strong root system has developed 

When re-potting, one should pre-treat the growing medium with this solution 

Set the pH of the nutrient reservoir after adding RHIZOTONIC as it will slightly increase the pH 

Storage, health & safety and other directions 

Over-fertilisation has a negative effect on the substrate and the plant 

RHIZOTONIC is 100% vegetable-based and suitable for all growing media like potting mix, coco and hydroponics 

Store closed in a dark and frost-proof place 

Keep out of reach of children



*Label may not be english*


Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy

Feed Sugars, Aminos And Vitamins To Your Plants And Taste Their Sweeter, Bigger Buds

If I asked you what really makes you happy about your hydroponics gardening, you’d tell me you love growing huge amounts of potent, sweet-tasting flowers.

Seeing your roomful of huge flowers that smell like candy (maybe like the cotton candy at an amusement park), and then after harvest you savor that fine taste, aroma and potency with your friends.

The smiles on their faces, and them patting you on the back, that’s what the good life is all about.

So the big question is, what can you do right now to grow yourself the biggest harvests of the most potent, best-tasting flowers?

Start By Providing Flower-boosting Energy When Your Plants Most Need It

Getting sweeter, bigger harvests comes when you give your plants carbohydrates that jolt them with an energy boost.

This is an important fact to remember, that during peak bloom cycle your plants’ need for sugars exceeds their ability to manufacture sugars. The more you push them, the more C02 and nutrients you give them, the more they need carbos, the more they fall behind.

The resulting carbo deficit is the same thing that happens when athletes collapse near the end of grueling competition. And it’s why carboloading is a favorite tactic athletes use to keep going strong for victory, when others fall and fail.

Not Just Any Carbohydrates, But The Right Ones For Your Plants

Carboloading your plants requires a specialty formula. In actuality, your plants best absorb simple or complex carbohydrates when they are present as Arabinose, Dextrose, Glucose, Maltose and Xylose from Raw Cane Extract, Malt Extract, Cranberry Extract and other premium carbohydrate sources.

Not only does this end mid-bloom slump but these materials fuel beneficial bacteria and fungi in your root zone.

When you’ve installed beneficial bacteria and fungi in your root zone, they thrive best when they have externally-provided carbos to feed on.

Beneficial bacteria and fungi increase root mass, increase nutrient absorption, protect roots, and produce hormones that stimulate floral size, potency and value.

So now that you’ve seen how to use the right kinds of carbos to provide energy and root enhancement, what else can you do to create gourmet flowers with enhanced taste, size, potency, and aroma?

As it turns out, by providing the list of carbo sources we just discussed, you’re also enhancing the taste and aroma of your plants.

Advanced Nutrients Overdrive

It’s Never Too Late To Get Bigger Harvests

Let’s face it – general hydroponics gardening can cost you a lot of money, time and effort. You spend weeks taking care of your garden, you spend lots of dollars on it, all the while hoping for the big harvest you dream of getting someday.

But many growers run into unexpected detours that delay or decrease harvest quality and size.

It could be something that went wrong earlier in the crop cycle. Or your particular strain of plants is genetically programmed to create smallish flowers. Whatever it is, you and other savvy hydroponics gardeners are looking for ways to increase harvest size, and sometimes it gets frustrating.

Say Hello To Bigger Harvests

Now you can say goodbye to frustration and hello to bigger harvests. The good news is that there’s a surefire way to beat the odds and make your big harvest dreams come true. The answer: Advanced Nutrients Overdrive®. It’s 100% guaranteed to give you rewarding harvests.

That’s because Overdrive contains a unique set of powerful ingredients that stimulate plants to increase their bloom productivity. Overdrive is a really special formula that does something that used to seem impossible.

You see, hydroponics plants have a life cycle that’s pretty much determined by genetics and environmental conditions. After you’ve kicked them into bloom phase, they’re programmed to live a few more weeks making flowers- then they inevitably start to decline

Even if you’re feeding them the best basic bloom fertilizer we make, all plants naturally peak and then go downhill. That’s how Nature intends it, and that’s what happens in most gardens.

Better Flower Production

But now you can use Overdrive to defy Nature and turn your plants back into fire-breathing champion producers, even when they’re well into bloom cycle!

Field testing shows that Overdrive reinvigorates flowering and creates a renewed burst of resins, scents, terpenoids, size and other very desirable traits that will give you impressive harvests instead of disappointing ones.

You know what? It wasn’t easy to create this late-season plant growth miracle formula. Our scientists spent several years examining plant tissue samples and running experiments on the kinds of plants you grow. They also examined the internal clocks that run a plant’s life cycle.

Exclusive, Powerful Flower Formula

They discovered a never-before-used combination of vitamins, organic materials, nutrients and other ingredients that make Overdrive a powerhouse harvest-boosting formula used by thousands of growers worldwide.

All of Overdrive’s ingredients are matched so they work together to give your plants exactly what they need for late-season bloom building.

CANNA Cannazym

CANNAZYM - 250ml, 1 or 5 Litre
CANNAZYM is a high-quality enzyme product that speeds up the process of breaking down dead root material and activates beneficial micro-organisms.
CANNAZYM also helps plants take up nutrients and increases the resistance against diseases. Enzymes are substances that speed up the reactions in living organisms.
For example, enzymes play a vital role in our digestion.

User Instructions
Shake bottle well before use.
Dilute 25 ml concentrate per 10 litre of water (1:400).
Add to your nutrient solution on every watering, or nutrient reservoir on every top-up.
When re-using growing media, double the dose for a one month period.
Do not prepare the solution for more than 4 days ahead.
Do not use in combination with products containing hydrogen peroxide (H202).
Storage, health & safety and other directions
Do not exceed recommended dosage.
Store closed in a dark and frost-proof place. The colour of CANNAZYM can change in time, but this doesn't necessarily mean the product is expired.
Keep out of reach of children.
Warranty / Guarantee
CANNA only works with high graded nutrients and chelates, which are immediately and completely available for the plant. The bottle is made of polyethylene (PVC and cadmium free), a recyclable plastic.
*Label may not be english*

Canna Calmag Nutrients Hydroponics


In response to popular demand, CANNA has produced a CALMAG AGENT. You can use this product to increase the EC of your soft water. It will harden your water to make sure your plant can grow strong and healthy.

Advantages of the CALMAG AGENT:

Fewer deficiencies
Increase in nutrient uptake
Stronger plants
Stimulates better-quality flowers
Highly concentrated
Increases the EC of your water
Less nutrients required

CANNA CALMAG AGENT is a special concentrate for buffering soft water. It can be used on all media.

Directions of use for buffering soft water

Shake well before us.

Fill nutrient reservoir with water (20-22°C).

Add 0.1-0.5 ml per litre CANNA CALMAG AGENT until you reach an EC of 0.45mS/cm. On top of this water you use the normal recommended nutrients and additives.

Information on storage conditions:

Keep bottles sealed air-tight.
Keep only in the original container.
Protect from heat, frost and direct sunlight.
Recommended storage temperature 10 - 30 °C.

CANNA only works with high-grade nutrients and chelates, which are immediately and completely available for the plant.

The packaging is made of Polyethylene (PVC and cadmium free), a recyclable plastic.


*Label may not be english*


Advanced Nutrients Sensizym Hydroponics

Sensizym is an enzyme treatment for the root zone that helps keep everything clean and healthy. It works by breaking down dead plant matter and converting it into nutrients that the plant can then use. Not only does this eliminate organic matter that pathogens thrive on, but it also gives a little extra nutrition for the plant. When plants grow outdoors, their roots are bathed in a huge ecosystem of beneficial micro organisms that manufacture these enzymes and so the roots naturally stay healthy. This can be an issue in a grow room as these organisms are not present, especially in inert media such as rockwool and coco coir.

Advanced Nutrients Piranha Liquid Root Growth Nutrients Hydroponics

Roots are what feed your plants almost everything they need, and now you can maximize your plants’ root mass so your plants get optimum nutrition and enhanced flowering.


You do this by using beneficial fungi that accomplishes the following for you:


Beneficial Fungi maximizes root absorption of oxygen, nutrients and water


Beneficial Fungi maximizes root growth for optimum yields


Helps your roots gain surface mass


Beneficial Fungi maximize production of floral essential oils

Advanced Nutrients Flawless Finish Flushing Agent Nutrients Hydroponics

Your Crops Taste Sweeter And Have Higher Value When You Flush Them Before Harvest

For dedicated, demanding hydroponics gardeners like you, a supreme moment of satisfaction comes when you’ve worked hard to bring in a harvest, dried and cured it, and finally sit down to savor the taste and aroma of your latest flowers.

There’s that feeling of pride and reward as you savor the deliciousness of your crops with your friends and family.

Now there’s a way for you to increase the joy and accomplishment you feel. It’s a simple yet powerful process that cleanses your crops just before harvest so you get:

Cleaner, Safer Crops

Tastier, Sweeter-Smelling Crops

Higher Quality Crops That Command Premium Market Prices

Let’s take a look at this proven method for immediately improving the quality and market price of your harvests…

Your Plants Are Absorbing Things You Don’t Want To Consume

As you’re aware, your plants grow by absorbing compounds from nutrients, water, and the atmosphere. These compounds become part of your plant tissues.

As your plants age, they accumulate excess nutrient salts and other substances that decrease the quality and value of your endproduct.

At times, this accumulation is visible as overfertilization or other crop failures. More often, it is an unseen burden that infiltrates your crops from the inside out.

This insidious burden causes crops that have offensive taste and odor; crops that burn with black ash or are hard to keep lit; and crops that irritate and damage your respiratory system, causing coughing and other health issues.

Can you recall a time when you almost coughed your lungs out? It was polluted crops that did it.

Not All Flushes Are Created Equal

Many growers try “flushing” their crops or they use all-organic nutrients to deal with accumulated salts that affect finished crop quality. Unfortunately, most forms of flushing, or the use of all-organic fertilizers, does not purge crops of harsh residues.

For one thing, the most common way that growers flush their crops is by giving their crops water that has no nutrients in it. But this doesn’t fully cleanse your crops. It only starves your plants so they lose vigorous floral growth and resin percentages just before harvest.

Other growers use flushing formulas that generally consist of a few chemicals that sometimes have the ability to pull a limited amount of residues out of your plants.

These primitive flush formulas remove plant nutrition, resulting in smaller harvests and decreased harvest potency. Not only that, but they don’t provide the full-spectrum, value-enhancing cleanse you’re looking for.

Truth be told, the stuff that stores in your plants comes from fertilizers, water, and the atmosphere, and organic fertilizer has no crop-cleansing properties in and of itself.

Fortunately, there’s a better way to ensure that your harvests are crystal-pure.

Advanced Nutrients B-52

Gives plants a super boost of energy!

Advanced Nutrients B-52 (2-1-4) provides the widest range of immediately available vitamins so plants grow strong, resist stress and disease and produce bigger harvests.

Ideal for hydroponic and soil applications, B-52 should be used from seed or cutting to harvest.

When using B-52, you’ll like the convenience of feeding its important ingredients directly into leaves or roots.

This root feed/ foliar convenience makes the formula easily available to plants.

Includes 3 specific “supplements” that will improve your plants and provide GREAT RESULTS!

1. Vitamin B-1: A unique vitamin that encourages better harvests…
2. Humic Acid: Derived from leonardite which has many plant benefits… and…
3. Sea Kelp: A natural and potent enhancer of hydroponics grown plants…

Advanced Nutrients Ph Perfect Grow Bloom Micro Nutrients Formula

While a premium 2-Part formula like our pH Perfect CONNOISSEUR is actually the most effective way to precisely dial in a the exact nutrients and ratios your plants need… many growers enjoy the simplicity of an easy-mixing 3-Part formula… and they still want the most effective formula possible.

That’s why they demand ONLY the best when it comes to:

Using 3-Part formulas specifically designed for their high-value plants…

Using formulas with the absolute best and most potent nutrients and ratios…

Using the most advanced, state-of-the-art “carrier molecules” to ensure their plants get the maximum amount of nutrients in the least amount of time…

Using the formulas which have been proven, in multiple scientific studies, to get more color, more aroma, more size, and more potency from our plants…

And using formulas which are not only highly advanced and easily customizable, but easy to mix and use…

In fact, Grand Master Growers have found pH Perfect GROW, MICRO, BLOOM (GMB) from Advanced Nutrients is the only 3-Part formula on the market which meets all these criteria.

Advanced Nutrients BIG BUD COCO
If you give your coco grown plants Big Bud

 Coco, they will gain size, mass, and potency from the bio-available protein in the formulation, and thrive without any weird nutrient deficiencies because of Advanced Nutrient’s inclusion of the “missing link” to coco success. 

Not only will your plants get the optimal amounts of phosphorous and potassium for strong flowering, but in addition to this perfectly dialed-in PK spike, they’ll get a rich spectrum of secondary metabolites, allowing them to expend less time and energy producing their own amino acids. 

Which means your crops will be freed to channel all that energy into building bigger, heavier buds – directly! Finally, you won’t experience any weird coco coir related nutrient deficiencies because Big Bud
 Coco contains the “missing link” to great coco coir results — a specifically chelated form of iron.
Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice Root Stimulant Enhancer Hydroponics

See How Taking Care Of Your Plants' Roots Wins You Optimum Harvests!

Your plants’ roots are like buried treasure when you discover how easy it is to maximize their function and to achieve optimum harvests.

You take care of your roots by utilizing their ability to form symbiotic relationships with beneficial fungi and bacteria. These relationships help your roots intake nutrients.

Beneficial microbes break down old root material, and provide nutrition.

On top of that, microbes provide aeration so oxygen can reach further to penetrate more into roots. They also capture nitrogen and help make phosphorus more available, which you are aware of as essential, major nutrients for your plants.

Given that beneficial microbes contribute to a more natural, better-functioning root zone environment, what is the best way to place beneficial microbes into the hydroponics root zone?

To answer this question, Advanced Nutrients scientists conducted a multi-phase research project to create beneficial microbes that give Voodoo Juice that the following documented plusses for your garden:

Maximum-development of roots on your seedlings, transplants and clones

Your roots have enhanced branching, root density, root mass

Enhanced efficiency of nutrient intake, saving you time and money

Maximize growth and flowering


You see how beneficial microbes products are good for your garden, but yes it’s confusing and frustrating when you go to a hydroponics store and see beneficial microbes formulas made by different manufacturers. Your obvious question is which of these is going to give me the biggest bang for my buck.

To answer your question, understand there are two very distinct processes manufacturers can choose from when they want to offer you microbes products.

The most common process is when a hydroponics company calculates that it can save on production costs by hiring a third-party company to bulk produce/bulk combine microbes without testing them for specific plant appropriateness or microbial compatibility. And in the process they forfeit supervision of manufacturing and quality control.

Not only that, but their process includes a generic view of microbes. For example, when someone talks about the microbe “Bacillus subtilis,” that strain name is really just the tip of the iceberg… it’s exactly like saying “General Motors” to describe a car, and you have no idea if it’s a Pontiac or a Chevy.

And if it’s a Chevy, it could be either a Malibu or Corvette. So if you’re lucky, you got the Corvette – but you’re still left guessing if your Corvette has the 300 hp motor or if it’s a ZR1 Corvette with the 620 horsepower motor! That’s how much difference there is between individual types of “Bacillus subtilis” microbes.

Obviously we absolutely make sure Voodoo Juice microbes are always the ZR1 Corvette with 620 horsepower motor, not the Chevy Malibu!

Here’s how we do it…

Advanced Nutrients hires the sharpest microbiologists in the world. One of them is especially impressive: she has THREE Ph.D. degrees! We have a team of scientists testing and breeding hundreds of sub-varieties of Bacillus Subtilis and other beneficial microbes in a continual research program. In fact over the last two years Voodoo Juice’s root-producing abilities have been increased by 117%.

It’s a known fact that specific beneficial microbes work better with certain plants than others. That’s why we put so much time and money into our breeding program. We’re driven to find the needle in the haystack of microbes that work absolutely the best for the plants you grow.

Our scientists demand that we buy them all the expensive, precision equipment needed to identify each microbial strain’s special characteristics and compatibility with each other that make them “SuperStrains.” That’s why our microbes are also extremely fast-replicating so they quickly colonize root zones for rapid results (Yes, we test for fast versus slow replicating microbes).

Voodoo Juice is NOT outsourced. We’re the only hydroponics nutrient company in the world manufacturing all our microbial products ourselves with a full-time Ph.D. microbiologist personally supervising all aspects of production at all times. (The same is true for our Piranha and Tarantula root zone products)

Each microbe strain is individually bred (not in a bunch of vats or tubs) in a purpose-built 10,000 liter breeding reactor. This is a very critical, time consuming step, but it’s necessary because different strains of beneficial microbes breed at different rates and we have to ensure total uniformity and maximum colony forming units (CFU’s). After breeding, the microbes are taken to the evaporation tower and dried, and then all eight strains in Voodoo Juice are carefully recombined.

To ensure Voodoo Juice has very long shelf life and superior viability, Voodoo’s microbes are put into hibernation with an “antagonist” compound that keeps the microbes dormant until you mix Voodoo Juice into a nutrient reservoir and the antagonist is diluted.

As soon as the antagonist is diluted, Voodoo’s microbes immediately exit dormancy, replicate quickly, and burst into action for you by wrapping themselves around and penetrating into roots, maximizing flower-boosting hormones, and enhancing root size and function.

The bottom line is you procure Voodoo Juice and feed your roots to get more vigorous plants and mega-potent flowers. This is a basic but important step you can easily take today to upgrade the nutrient health and productivity of your garden right away.


Advanced Nutrients Tarantula Roots Beneficial Bacteria Mycorrhizae

Your Roots Are The Gateway To Feeding The Right Flower-boosting Compounds Directly Into Your Plants


Your plants’ roots are the key to your yield size and potency, that’s what the research shows.

Yet the first thing you notice about most hydroponics roots zones they are biologically sterile. Nothing other than roots is alive in them.

When you focus on your roots, you might notice that they’re bare and spindly-looking. But healthy roots actually look healthy, not like most roots you’ll see. They’re “muscular,” intensely-branched, thickened, and robustly alive.

You don’t see that kind of roots very often in hydroponics gardens unless you’ve imported beneficial microbes into your root zone.


But how do you do that?


Decompose organic matter to create extra nutrition for your plants

Maximize plant growth rates and yields

Maximize nutrient uptake and solubility of minerals

Enhance availability of phosphorous and improves conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to plant-available nitrogen

One other thing… for beneficial microbes products to be successful for you, they have to have a very high number of colony-forming units per gram.

In simpler language, this means that the formula should have a high number of microbes per gram. Tarantula clocks in at just under 10 million viable bacteria per gram, making it by far the strongest of its type.

Obviously we absolutely make sure Tarantula microbes are always the ZR1 Corvette with 620 horsepower motor, not the Chevy Malibu!


Here’s how we do it…


Advanced Nutrients hires the sharpest microbiologists in the world. One of them is especially impressive: she has THREE Ph.D. degrees! We have a team of scientists testing and breeding hundreds of sub-varieties of Bacillus subtilis and other beneficial microbes in a continual research program and we are always upgrading our formulas.

It’s a known fact that specific beneficial microbes work better with certain plants than others. That’s why we put so much time and money into our breeding program. We’re driven to find the needle in the haystack of microbes that work absolutely the best for the plants you grow.

Our scientists demand that we buy them all the expensive, precision equipment needed to identify each microbial strain’s special characteristics and compatibility with each other that make them “SuperStrains.” That’s why our microbes are also extremely fast-replicating so they quickly colonize root zones for rapid results (yes, we test for fast versus slow replicating microbes).

Tarantula is NOT outsourced. We’re the only hydroponics nutrient company in the world manufacturing all our microbial products ourselves with a full-time Ph.D. microbiologist personally supervising all aspects of production at all times. (The same is true for our Piranha and Voodoo Juice products).

Each microbe strain is individually bred (not in a bunch of vats or tubs) in a purpose-built 10,000 liter breeding reactor. This is a very critical, time consuming step, but it’s necessary because different strains of beneficial microbes breed at different rates and we have to ensure total uniformity and maximum colony forming units (CFU’s). After breeding, the microbes are taken to the evaporation tower and dried, and then all the strains in Tarantula are carefully recombined.

To ensure Tarantula’s very long shelf life and superior viability, its microbes are put into hibernation with an “antagonist” compound that keeps the microbes dormant until you mix Tarantula into a nutrient reservoir and the antagonist is diluted.

As soon as the antagonist is diluted, Tarantula’s microbes immediately exit dormancy, replicate quickly, and burst into action for you by wrapping themselves around and penetrating into roots, promoting the production of flower-boosting hormones by your plants, and maximizing root size and function.



When you pick up Tarantula today, you’re on your way to making your garden the maximum-yielding envy of all your friends. Get your roots enhanced using Tarantula, and watch the guaranteed optimum bud results.

Advanced Nutrients Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra Calcium Magnesium Additive Hydroponics

You Wouldn’t Feed Your Dog… Fish Food? So Why Are You Feeding Your Special Plants Tomato Food?

If you’re using a generic cal-mag supplement, chances are you’re using a formulation designed for general produce. But if you’re trying to grow high-value plants, there’s only one product you want.

Sensi Cal-mag Xtra

Your plant has unique needs, and Sensi Cal- Mag Xtra is the only hydroponic additive tested on and designed specifically for the types of plants you grow.

What Does Cal-mag Actually Do?

In the case of cal-mag supplements, calcium and magnesium are obviously the most important elements in the bottle. But do you know what calcium and magnesium actually do for your plant? How they operate? Do you know which ingredients help optimize the functioning of calcium and magnesium?

Many growers take this sort of information for granted. But plant science is rather complex, and a deeper understanding of these issues is critical to grow competitively. Magnesium is fundamental to chlorophyll, and is directly related to the process of absorbing light. Calcium is a basic building block of cells and growth. A deficiency of either means the most important growth reactions in your plant are stunted.


Obviously there’s more to the story. Plant metabolism is a very complex operation. But there is something most growers and hydroponic nutrient companies have overlooked when it comes to calcium and magnesium supplements, that is going to change the industry standard.

The Advanced Breakthrough

Calcium and magnesium are only two of many nutrients your plant needs to operate at full growing capacity.

Also among these elements is iron. Iron is considered a micronutrient, which only needs to appear in trace amounts compared to macronutrients like calcium and magnesium. Everyone knows this. The important part though is that iron acts as a catalyst for essential reactions within the plant, especially related to metabolism.


In plain English, the Advanced Nutrients team of scientists have found that with the right chelated forms of iron, in just the right ratios, every other nutrient becomes exponentially more effective.

Our Scientists Found The Right Chelates

You can’t just throw iron in, in any amount. It has to be the right form of chelated iron. And it has to be in the correct ratios, in relationship with the other nutrients in your reservoir.

Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra is the result of test after test performed on the plant specifically, that the Advanced Nutrients team of scientists have found to maximize plant growth potential.



How Sensi Cal-mag Xtra Is Different

Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra is different than classic Sensi Cal-Mag because of the improvements in micronutrients like iron, as well as 20 L-form amino acids to ensure the potential of every nutrient in Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra is performing at maximum potential. Every last detail has been accounted for to make this product as perfect as scientifically possible.

It’s different from the competition in that no other hydroponic company has had the opportunity, or the brave enough leadership, to scientifically test strains of plants in the volume Advanced Nutrients has.

Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin Silica Potassium Additive Hydroponics

Safeguard Your Hydroponics Investment By Putting A Coat Of Armor On Your Plants

Right Now!

That element is silica, which is the second most abundant element in the earth’s crust (oxygen is the most prevalent), but guess what? Silica is missing from hydroponics root zones and fertilizers.

This is a cause of concern because your plants desperately need silica. They evolved to intake it so it becomes part of their cell walls.

That’s important because cells are the building blocks of your plants and cell walls are the structural features that determine the strength of your plants’ stems, leaves, flowers, floral structures and metabolism.

Not only do your plants accumulate silicon to build their cells, they also store it as foundational support between cells.

In fact, your plants contain as much as 10% of their weight as silica.

There’s a catch, however-silica isn’t supplied at all in most hydroponics fertilizers or root zone media, and even if it is, it usually isn’t the right type or amount of silica to maximize silica’s benefits.

Finding The Right Silica Formula For Your Plants

If you’ve tried other silica products, you discover that most hydroponics manufacturers have found it difficult if not impossible to effectively deliver silica to your crops.

You can see why that is. Silica is the main element in sand. It is very thick and solid. It doesn’t easily dissolve in water. It isn’t easily taken into plants.

The scientists who created Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin knew all this before they started the product design and testing process.

That’s why they experimented with many different types of silica, as well as different concentrations and manufacturing methods. They found that the form of potassium silicate used in Rhino Skin produced the highest crop silicate percentages.

Advanced Nutrients Bud Ignitor Nutrients Hydroponics Flowering Growth Bloom

The latest news in your world of hydroponics is now you can enhance growth while at the same time promote flowering.

In the past, you’ve triggered your plants’ genetic clock by suddenly shifting them to a 12-hour light cycle and changing them over to bloom fertilizer. All this is useful, but scientists have discovered something else you can also do.


You Maximize Your Flowering Sites Per Stem

Your plants absolutely will maximize flowerings sites per stem when you provide specialized nutrition to your plants during early bloom phase so your plants ramp up internal production of metabolic triggers that result maximizing your budding sites.

The result is that instead of only the typical 30-55% of your stem nodes becoming hosts for flowering sites within two weeks of flowering, 70-100% of your nodes show floral initiation!

Flat out you maximize the amount of flowers per plant. And as bloom season moves forward, you notice your stems are crammed full of dense floral growth that buries your stems in thick, gooey floral clusters so you have continuous floral structures that run virtually the entire up and down length of your stems!

Promotes Flowering

Using Bud Ignitor to get an eye-popping grow room full of plants with flowers from top to bottom is fun and easy, but that’s not the whole story.

You see, when you give your plants Bud Ignitor compounds, your plants respond by creating the maximum amount of budding sites.

Seriously, think about how good this is for you.

You spend less time and money getting maximum harvests.

The proof is in the numbers. With maximum budding sites and optimum flowering you get more efficient use of your grow room and more finished crops per year.

Your Plants Get What They Need For Maximum Harvests

What do your plants really need? Most bloom fertilizer programs underplay potassium and nitrogen too much, while providing too much phosphorus too late. This includes the reliance on bloom boosters used on top of base nutrients.

Come to find out that scientific testing from thousands of tissue samples on the type of plants you grow shows that if you fail to provide the right amounts and right types of potassium and phosphorus early in the bloom phase, you create a permanent deficit that lowers your harvest size no matter what you do later on.

It’s like missing the starting gun for a race, and then scrambling like crazy to catch up later on.

But you can’t catch up: after those first two weeks are gone, your plant is not going to create any more budding sites. You see why early application of Bud Ignitor is crucial to maximizing everything your plants do later in bloom cycle.

Help Your Plants Store Potassium And Phosphorus To Maximize Flower Production

Your plants are smart. They bank their early cache of potassium and phosphorus in extra floral structures and other tissues. They also instruct their roots to make and bank extra cytokinins that boost floral production throughout bloom cycle.

What makes this so special? It means your plants have extra reserves of raw materials to draw on so they produce the maximum amount of floral structures with maximum oil production.

I want you to really focus on what I just said, because it’s important for you: Bud Ignitor creates extra reserves on potassium and phosphorus that directly feed production of essential oils and flavoring compounds when your buds are swelling and ripening.

So now you have the total picture, and it’s a sweet picture indeed. Using Bud Ignitor during the first two weeks of bloom phase, you maximize budding sites and flower production while maximizing harvests making them more valuable.

And if you want to further increase the profitability of your crop, get Bud Ignitor today, along with our proprietary series of bloom phase-specific bud boosters such as Big Bud, Bud Candy, and Overdrive. This is the full spectrum of bud potentiator fuel for your garden.

You’re going to love seeing your plants produce floor to ceiling buds ready for harvest, when you use Bud Ignitor at the start of every bloom phase.

Advanced Nutrients Bud Factor X Oil Stimulator Nutrient Hydroponics 250ml,1L,5L

A big part of what makes a harvest considered high quality is the essential oil content. Essential oils go hand in hand with the aromas, flavors and resin contents produced by harvested plants. These essential oils and resins create the terpine profile in the plant material; the compounds that influence the plant’s natural fragrances and flavors.

Bud Factor-X contains bio-active ingredients that enhance inherent qualities in plants, coaxing maximum production of terpinoids, resins and essential oils. The components in Bud Factor X were also engineered to maximize yields, not only crop quality. The balanced combination of highly bio-active ingredients maximize resin contents in crops as well as enabling crops to continue at maximize photosynthetic rates when plants normally are forced to “shut-down”. The reduced forms of nitrogen and B-Vitamins in the formulation will also further root development, especially when using Bud Factor X in conjunction with Piranha, Voodoo Juice and Tarantula.

Many types of plants have external organelles. This is where resins and essential oils are secreted. Resins and essential oils are part of the plant’s natural defense system against insects in two major ways. Firstly, sticky resins create a physical barrier that thwarts insects and may trap and kill smaller insects such as spider mites. Secondly, the aromatic compounds that are produced in the resins will deter many types of insects from contacting the plant.

Bud Factor X is applied with nutrients starting in the early bloom phase to trigger and maintain a higher level of resin secretion throughout the entire bloom phase. The ingredients in Bud Factor X are absorbed by the plants roots and begin to signal the plant to maximize production of these valuable compounds. This is accomplished by signaling receptors that are inherent to the plant directly on an intra-cellular level. 

When this occurs, not only is the plant of higher quality, it is able to continue to grow abundant harvests.

Using Bud Factor X, growers can avoid falling victim to reliance on chemical controls such as sulphur that significantly reduce the qualities such as flavor and aroma in the harvest.

Advanced Nutrients Nirvana Bigger Stronger Plants Yield Hydroponics

When you look at what Nirvana has In it, and how these organics work for you, that’s why Nirvana is the number one choice of growers seeking an organic way to maximize yield and quality.

There’s a superstar list of ingredients on board for you, including alfalfa meal that enhances growth and yield in your hydroponics plants.

Alfalfa is particularly important if you’ve invested money in C02 for your grow room; it gives you more rapid intake of C02, more vigorous growth, and maximum yields.

Nirvana also gives you Ascophyllum nodosum. These rich compounds contain ingredients that stimulate root function, cell replication, and flower.

The benefits keep on coming when you use Nirvana, because it contains whey protein that has been pre-digested using enzymes instead of the acid process that most manufacturers use.

Enzymatically-hydrolyzed whey protein ensures that flower-boosting amino acids cysteine and tryptophan are preserved in the biologically-active “L” form.

Most manufacturers use acid hydrolysis, which destroys L-aminos. When you use Nirvana’s enzymatically-hydrolyzed whey protein, your plants get L-aminos that stimulate floral growth and potency.

Another Nirvana benefit comes from two other plants: Chilean Soap Bark and Yucca. These amazing plants produce compounds called surfactants. A surfactant is a compound that reduces the “surface tension” of liquids so they and whatever they contain more easily enter your plants via roots and leaves.

Yucca extract and Chilean Soap Bark extract are two all-natural surfactants that transfer nutrients into your plants.

Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect Sensi

pH Perfect® Sensi Grow Parts A & B

After hundreds of man-hours, our R&D team has perfectly formulated all the primary, secondary and micronutrients your crops need for outstanding growth. Because these ingredients are all supplied fully or partially chelated in pH Perfect Sensi Grow – some even in multiple chelated forms – your plants will absorb them effortlessly. What’s more, they will benefit from a wide range of amino acids to power the construction of cell walls in roots, stems and leaves. You’ll also witness amazing results from the humic acids and powerful non-ionic surfactant, which form a multi-stage delivery matrix to ensure your plants absorb the powerful nutrients you’re feeding them. And if that weren’t enough, you can throw away your pH meters and pens forever. Our proprietary pH Perfect® Technology will keep the pH in the ‘sweet spot’ every week of the grow phase, with no measuring or tweaking. And as always, if you’re not thrilled and amazed with your results using pH Perfect Sensi Grow, you get 100% of your money back! (please contact advanced nutrients for this)!

pH Perfect® Sensi Bloom Parts A & B

You’ll find everything your high-value crops need to get big, heavy, juicy buds in pH Perfect Sensi Bloom! First, you won’t have to worry about balancing your pH ever again because pH Perfect® Technology keeps the pH in the ‘sweet spot’ all week, every week, all the way to harvest time. Throw away your pH meters and pens! Second, your crops will burst with buds and with teeming, bountiful blossoms from the complete and steady stream of all the primary, secondary and micronutrients they need – and all fully or partially chelated to ensure maximum nutrient uptake and assimilation by your crops. You’ll also witness amazing results from the humic acids and powerful non-ionic surfactant, which form a multi-stage delivery matrix to ensure your plants absorb the powerful nutrients you’re feeding them. Finally, the diverse range of powerful blooming co-factors will give you the biggest buds possible. The bottom line: You’re guaranteed absolute and full satisfaction (with less hassle than ever) or you get all your money back with our world-famous Grower Guarantee (please contact advanced nutrients for this)

Advanced Nutrients BIG BUD

How You Get The Biggest Yields From Your Bloom Booster
You’re likely to be among the 91.7% of growers who use bloom boosters every bloom cycle, so it’s natural for you to want to be sure that your boosters give you the biggest yields possible for your garden.
To be precise, you look for bloom booster effects that include:

Larger, heavier, denser flowers
Flowers with more essential oils, aromatics, terpenoids, phenols and other potency factors.
Measurable, significant increases in overall harvest weight and market value.

How do most bloom boosters stack up in meeting these goals? Not as well as they could. In fact, until recently poorly-absorbed forms of phosphorus and potassium (P and K) were the main ingredients in most bloom boosters.
Worse yet, almost all bloom boosters have incorrect ratios or types of phosphorus and potassium. Most bloom boosters provide double the amount of phosphorus to potassium. That’s not useful. Your plants are much hungrier for potassium than for phosphorus during bloom phase.
And when too much phosphorus is dumped into your plants, it creates a potential for phosphorus toxicity that works against flower production and overall plant health.
Not only that, your crops may taste harsh so they hurt your throat and lungs.
Potassium And Phosphorus Are Only Parts

Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect Sensi Coco

pH Perfect® Sensi Coco Grow Part A & B

Finally! Prevent Deficiencies When Growing in Coco Coir – and Say Goodbye to Pesky pH Meters, Too!

Because growing with coco coir can cause puzzling nutrient deficiencies, you need a 2-part base nutrient that solves this problem for you. Here’s how pH Perfect® Sensi Coco Grow does it. First, it delivers just the right amount of potassium to avoid toxicity of this element, which is already abundant in coco. Second, it contains chelated forms of magnesium and calcium that resist binding to coco and feed your plants instead. 

Third, and most importantly, it provides the missing piece of the coco puzzle: diversely chelated forms of iron that fix any iron deficiencies that growing in coco can cause. And if that weren’t enough, you can throw away your pH meters and pens forever! 

The proprietary pH Perfect® Technology keeps your pH in the sweet spot all week, every week – with no measuring or tweaking. As always, you’re fully protected using pH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow because our Grower Guarantee ensures your 100% satisfaction

Sold Out

Dear Experienced Grower,

Are you…

AN EXPERIENCED GROWER who is already getting excellent results with clients who praise your product?

A HIGHLY ARTISTIC HOME GROWER with their own “Microgrowery”?

A PROFESSIONAL GROWER who relies on his plants for his livelihood?

A COMMERCIAL GROWER with hundreds or even thousands of lights, who supplies the medicinal community?

If you can answer yes, and you are already a top-notch grower who has maxed out the potential of your current feeding program …

And if, after all that success, you still need even more yield and potency – then pH Perfect® Connoisseur may be the right base nutrient for you.

No expense has been spared in researching, testing and sourcing only the most potent, powerful ingredients, guaranteed to drive your crops to their most productive grow and bloom phase possible.

Plus, all primary, secondary, and micronutrients in this flagship formulation are fully or partially chelated for optimal absorption.

And if that weren’t enough, you can throw away your pH meters and pens forever because pH Perfect® Technology automatically keeps the pH in the “sweet spot” every week of your grow.

The bottom line?

If you already have the skills – pH Perfect Connoisseur has the power to make your plants reach their full genetic potential.

CANNA Cure Pest Control Spider Mite Mealy-bug Plant Leaf Growth Nutrient


CANNACURE is an unique leaf nutrient that prevents and controls plant pests and mildew. It's environmentally friendly and free of toxins. CANNACURE ensures healthier plants, bigger flowers and increased yields.


The Natural Way to Control Pests

Mildew, whitefly, aphids, spider mites, mealy bugs… The world is full of diseases, pests and parasites that are looking for an opportunity to infest your plants and ruin your crop. Of course, you want to protect your plants in the best way possible. But how? Harsh chemical pesticides may get the job done, but they pollute the environment and poison your flowers and fruits. But on the whole the more traditional disease and pest control methods just don’t work well enough. 


CANNACURE is a product that has it all. Environmentally friendly, this product eliminates pests and mildew, while stimulating growth and blooming.


CANNACURE is CANNA’s first plant pest and disease controller. Developed by CANNA Research Laboratories, it’s unlike any other plant protection product, because it’s also a leaf nutrient. It ensures healthier plants, which can concentrate on producing big flowers and bigger yields. But it’s not only CANNA’s scientists who are convinced of the quality of the product. Since it was introduced, it has won the praise of many growers.


How does it work?


When you spray CANNACURE, it forms a second natural ‘skin’ on your plants. This layer improves leaf colour and vigour and while ensuring that the plants can still breathe. It makes them healthy, shiny and clean, enabling optimal photosynthesis. This gives the plants the chance to focus on flowering.


Also, any plant pests will get stuck to the sticky layer, so they won’t have the chance to damage the leaves. Eventually, the pests will starve to death. Combined with other CANNA nutrients and additives, CANNACURE will help your plants to resist any future infestations and diseases.


How to use CANNACURE?


It is very important that CANNACURE is applied thoroughly on both sides of the leaves. Use CANNACURE once a week as a preventive measure, to make sure that plant pests cannot attack the leaves. If you have a heavy infestation of mildew, whitefly, spider mites or mealy bugs, for example, spray every three days and repeat, if necessary, after a further three days. Then continue spraying weekly as normal.


CANNACURE can be used from the beginning of growth until harvesting, alongside your normal feeding routine.


*Label may not be english*


T-Roks (Bigger and Heavier Flowers)

Stimulate and enhance flowering and improve size and quality of yield.

T-Roxs is an enhancer that can be used from week 2 of flowering for a maximum of 10 days.

Designed to enhance flowering when used during this specific period. A safe, natural material that’s based on plant extracts – without artificial PGRs.

T-Roks pushes flower bud formation to the limit at its vital early stage of growth, meaning early formed flowers end up bigger and heavier.


Improve size and quality of flower yield.

Reduced growing periods.

Natural extracts.


Ensure all equipment is CLEAN and free of residues from previous use.

SHAKE OR STIR THOROUGHLY before SLOWLY adding the required quantity to fresh solution.

MIX WELL before use and make up a solution for one week’s use, then top up as necessary.



End of 2nd Week (Flower)

10 Days Max - 1.5ml/L


Please make sure you check your EC levels

0.8-1.3 for seedlings or 0.5-1.3 for clones,

1.3-1.7 under vegetative phase

1.7-2.2 during flowering 



0.27% as MgO

0.17% Mn

Specific L-Amino acid hormone analogues

1.1% Free Amino acids from plant fermentation

0.6% Humic acid


0.15% Fulvic acid

Oxo-pyro-glutamic acid

2.2% Natural algal extract, rich in gibberellins and cytokinins

NPK: 2.3-2.9 (1.8 as PHOSPHITE) – 4.1

Lightning Roots (Root Stimulator)

Supercharge your roots with Lightning Roots!

Turbo-charged formula to speed-up root growth with increased water & nutrient uptake thanks to longer, heavier and more efficient roots.

Lightning Roots uses entirely natural components to tilt hormone production in favour of root growth.

Bigger roots take up nutrients more efficiently, absorb water more effectively and provide better anchorage for your plant.

A safe, natural material that’s based on plant extracts – without artificial PGRs. Its oligosaccharides work in conjunction with other sugars and amino acids to stimulate your plant’s root zone.


Increase stress resistance.

Epic root growth.

Faster growth development.


Ensure all equipment is CLEAN and free of residues from previous use.

SHAKE OR STIR THOROUGHLY before SLOWLY adding the required quantity to fresh solution.

MIX WELL before use and make up a solution for one week’s use, then top up as necessary.



Weeks 1-4 (Veg)

Weeks 1-2 (Flower)



You can use beyond if needed


Please make sure you check your EC levels

0.8-1.3 for seedlings or 0.5-1.3 for clones,

1.3-1.7 under vegetative phase

1.7-2.2 during flowering 



0.15% Amino Acids

8.6% Plant extracts

0.9Lignin salts

3%Glucose surfactant

0.5% Glycerol

Humic Acid<0.1%

Lignosulphonates 0.8%

Chaos (30% Booster)

Chaos from Swiftair is the formless matter supposed to have existed before the creation of the universe. 

Fortunately, the only creation this booster will be part of is the battle to create excessive amounts of weight to your crop.

A blooming formula (for weeks 6-7)

Plant-sourced amino acids, humates, lignins and sugars to enhance yield, health and flavour.

Specifically designed for use late-on in the growing cycle, it stimulates bulking up of flower components over their final 3 week.

Based on plant extracts without artificial PGRs. Using bioactivated Potassium in both Thiosulphate and Phosphite forms, combined with specific amino acids and other plant extracts.



Late Mass builder.

 Plant booster.

 Increases yield up to 30%.



Ensure all equipment is CLEAN and free of residues from previous use.

SHAKE OR STIR THOROUGHLY before SLOWLY adding the required quantity to fresh solution.

MIX WELL before use and make up a solution for one week’s use, then top up as necessary.



Use only in either week 6 or 7 of flowering:

Use 2ml/L - for 1 week only.


Please make sure you check your EC levels

0.8-1.3 for seedlings or 0.5-1.3 for clones,

1.3-1.7 under vegetative phase

1.7-2.2 during flowering 



N – 7.1%

P2O5 – 4%

K2O – 8%

MgO – 2.0%

Amino Acids – 2.3%

PK Rage 18/20 Nutrient

A 3-in-1 concentrated formula

Nutrition in flowering plants, maximises flower buds and enhances flowers.

PK Rage is a biostimulant that enhances and extends the flowering period. 

More concentrated than most competitor products yet still a true solution, with no suspended insolubles.

A safe and natural product without PGR’s, it is uniquely concentrated in order to yield unstoppable results.



Triggers an increase in flowering sites.

Causes fruits to swell-up in size.

Increases the weight.

Can be used with any base nutrient.


Direction of Use

Week 4-5 - 0.3ml/L

Week 6-7 - 0.5ml/L


Please make sure you check your EC levels

0.8-1.3 for seedlings or 0.5-1.3 for clones,

1.3-1.7 under vegetative phase

1.7-2.2 during flowering 



Calcium – 0.5%

Magnesium – 0.3%

Phosphorus (P2O5) – 22%

Potassium (KO) – 17%
